With our 2001 film, In the Light of Reverence, still enjoying widespread use in classrooms around the world we are heartened that the film has withstood the test of time. In June 1997, we were fortunate to film a rare interview with the renowned, beloved Native American intellectual Vine Deloria Jr. (1933-2005). Vine is well known for his books, Custer Died for Your Sins and God is Red. We’ve gone back to the vault and created four extended film clips from our rare, four-hour interview.

Part 1 of 4: Vine Deloria Jr. – “Time of Its Own” – Clashing Worldviews at Devils Tower

In one of the key moments of In The Light of Reverence, Vine Deloria comments on the conflict between rock climbers and Native Americans at Devils Tower: “It’s not that Indians should have exclusive rights there. It’s that that location is sacred enough it should have time of it’s own.” Here’s the context—the long answer that led up to Vine’s beautiful observation.

Don’t miss our new four-part film series, Standing on Sacred Ground, full details at http://standingonsacredground.org/